What is Schumann Resonance (SR)?
The Schumann Resonances (SR) are a spectrum of extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances produced and excited by natural lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. Schumann Resonance generators can produce the same beneficial frequency.
For the last 200+ thousands of years, humans have been exposed only to natural radiation such as Schumann Resonance, sun and thunder radiation, and some geological radiation and our bodies have adapted to it. But in the last 10 years only, according to Olle Johansson, PhD, Associate Professor in Neuroscience at the Karolinska Institute, Sweden, we’ve increased the exposure to man-made radiation quintillion times more – that is 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 times more! (18 zeros)
Watch this short video below about Schumann Resonance.
Who discovered Schumann Resonance?
Winfried Otto Schumann, a German physicist, is credited with postulating mathematically this global electromagnetic resonance phenomenon in 1952 at 7.83Hz. Later in 1954, Schumann and his co-worker Herbert L. König, measured this frequency (Schumann & König 1954). In 1960, Balser and Wagner confirmed this theory with their measurements. They found the fundamental Schumann resonant frequencies to be 8, 14.1, 20.3, 26.4. and 32.5 Hz with the resonant cavity g at 8 Hz being ~4 (i.e., the half-power bandwidth is ~2 Hz).
Daily recordings of Schumann Resonance
You can see the day to day measurements of Schumann Resonance on this Russian website. Some people suggest that Schumann’s Resonance of the Earth has shifted to 35Hz or more, but as you can see below it has been consistent with the original recording done by NASA in 1962. Schumann Resonance is a wavelength equal to the Earth’s circumference (according to Iona Miller and Ben Lonetree, 2014), so for the Schumann Resonance to rise, the diameter of the Earth would have to change.
Other live date monitoring VLF Schuman Resonance and recording stations
Live data from CUMIANA (TO), NW Italy, south Europe – monitors frequency range: 1 to 30 Hz
Etna Radio Observatory, Etna Park, Sicily, Italy
Houeillès Lot et Garonne, South West France, West Europe
Laurentian University Radio Observatory, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
VLF Openlab Observatories Network – Overview
Full list of all VLF Openlab Observatories
Watch the video below on how Schumann resonance works.
Research on the benefits of Schumann Resonance
Brainwave states and Schumann resonance of 7.83Hz
Hans Berger, a German scientist, built the first EEG (electroencephalograph) machine in the 1920s, culminating with the first-ever recording of the brain’s frequencies. A colleague of Hans Berger, Dr. Anker Mueller, realised that the alpha frequency of the brain matches Schumann’s Resonance (after reading an article about SR in the journal Technische Physik). Herbert König (1979), who was Schumann’s successor at Munich University, further confirmed the link between Schumann Resonances and brain rhythms.
E. Jacobi, a researcher at the University of Dusseldorf demonstrated that the absence of Schumann Resonance can have a detrimental effect on physical and mental health. Also, research done by Prof R.Wever (1968) at the Max Planck Institute for Behavioural Physiology in Erling-Andechs had similar findings. A group of healthy volunteers was completely screened out magnetic fields in an underground bunker for four weeks. This resulted in their circadian rhythms deviating from the norm and they suffered emotional distress and headaches. When the Schumann Resonance was introduced back into the bunker environment, the volunteers’ health went back to normal.
Neurobiological studies (O’Keefe, Nadel, 1978) show that the resonance frequency of the hippocampus is 7.83Hz. Hippocampus has many functions, such as attention, concentration and learning.
NASA has been researching Schumann Resonance from early on – it was actually NASA which confirmed the frequency in 1962 and by Prof. R. Wever and the biophysicist Dr W. Ludwig. Professor Persinger recognised that when astronauts came back to the Earth and experienced all kinds of health problems, is was due to the lack of Schumann Resonance that they experienced when out in the ionosphere. He built small Schumann Resonance generators for astronauts to remedy the problem.
Other researchers studied the relationship between Schumann Resonance and wellness and confirmed beneficial physiological functions (Funk, Monsees, Özkuzur 2009), (Aschoff 1954, Glass 2001 ).
A 2016 paper called “Similar Spectral Power Densities Within the Schumann Resonance and a Large Population of Quantitative Electroencephalographic Profiles: Supportive Evidence for Koenig and Pobachenko” from the Behavioural Neuroscience Laboratory of Canada’s Laurentian University discovered that 238 measurements from 184 individuals over a 3.5 year period “demonstrated unexpected similarities in the spectral patterns and strengths of electromagnetic fields generated by the human brain and the earth-ionospheric cavity.” The researchers described “real-time coherence between variations in the Schumann and brain activity spectra within the 6–16 Hz band.”
Chicxulub impact, the end of dinosaurs and Schumann Resonance
It is suggested that the Chicxulub asteroid/comet impact in Yucatan, Mexico, may have caused the big Schumann Resonances spike, which might have contributed to the demise of the dinosaurs. “If Schumann resonances play a regulatory biological role, as some studies indicate, it is possible that the excitation and distortion of Schumann resonances as a result of the asteroid/comet impact was a possible stress factor, which, among other stress factors associated with the impact, contributed to the demise of dinosaurs.” suggest Zurab Silagadze in his paper Asteroid impact, Schumann resonances and the end of dinosaurs.
The Schumann Resonance Hypothesis
The Schumann Resonance Hypothesis has been proposed by Dr Neil Cherry, Associate Professor of Environmental Health (2002), Human Sciences Department, Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand and states that “The Schumann Resonance signal is detected by the brain where it interacts with the EEG and through altering the melatonin/serotonin balance, it is the biophysical mechanism for the health effects of S-GMA”. Cherry, in a groundbreaking paper, explained the importance of the Schumann Resonances and why ionospheric disturbances can alter blood pressure and melatonin and cause “cancer, reproductive, cardiac and neurological disease and death”.
How does the body register the Schumann frequency?
Studies at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, USA, suggest that the Earth’s magnetic field affects our brain’s functions. Our brains contain magnetite crystals (Fe3O4) which act as antennas to locate the Earth’s magnetic fields (Kirschvink, Kobayashi-Kirschvink & Woodford 1992).
Electrosmog can make the Schumann Resonance physiologically ineffective
With the huge increase of electrosmog (quintillion times more than 10 years ago, according to Olle Johansson, PhD, Associate Professor in Neuroscience at the Karolinska Institute, Sweden) our bodies are less exposed to the natural Earth frequency, which can lead to our bodies becoming desynchronized from this beneficial frequency (Hecht 2011, Mulligan & Persinger 2012). That was the initial experience of the astronauts in space who were far from the Earth’s frequency and also when people experienced other disturbances on Earth eg. solar storms (Cherry 2002).
7.83Hz frequency falls within the range of natural human alpha brainwaves which is an optimum state for well-being and healing. Helios3 is a Schumann Resonance generator, producing a frequency of 7.83Hz (sometimes called Schumann Wave or Earth’s heartbeat) which soothes the brain so your brain gets the same benefits as when you sleep in geopathic stress-free zones and with no electro-smog or when you’re grounded, walking barefoot on a beach or grass (or having a bath).
Gamma | Avarage 40 cycles per second; 25-100 Hz | The 'aha!' moment; Moments of insight and problem solving; Lucid dreaming frequency; Increased sensory perception, mental activity and focus; Bliss |
Beta | 14-21 cycles per second (cps) and higher | Waking state, The five senses, Perception of time and space, Busy thinking and active processing |
Alpha | 7-14 cps | Relaxation, Calm state, Healing, Light sleep, Mediation, Intuition, Dreaming, No time and space limitation, Lucid dreaming, Schumann Resonance |
Theta | 4-7 cps | Deep sleep, Mediation, If conscious Witnessing state of awareness, REM sleep |
Delta | 0-4 cps | Deep dreamless sleep, Loss of body awareness, You're unconscious at delta, If conscious Nondual Oneness awareness |
The alpha brain waves help with depression, anxiety and insomnia – NHS study
New and real evidence suggests the connection between Schumann resonance and our brains which produce the same frequency in the range of 7.83Hz when relaxed and healing. In short, the alpha waves tell the body to reduce pain and start the healing process. The NHS trial in Leicestershire, UK, tested the Alpha-Stim aid device, which is based on cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) and sends tiny electrical currents via earlobes to boost the ‘alpha waves’ in the brain, which can promote a relaxed, calm state. In this trial, 63 per cent of 161 patients in an NHS trial with a general anxiety disorder (GAD) who used the device the size of a mobile phone for six weeks had achieved remission according to the Journal of Affective Disorders with comparable effectiveness to that of CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy). Richard Morriss, a professor of psychiatry at Nottingham University’s NHR MindTech centre, said, “Alpha-Stim CESS was more effective at achieving remission than expected. As well as improvements in anxiety, there were improvements in depression and insomnia.” The device costs £600 and if rented to patients, it could save NHS about £540 per patient compared with existing treatments. The device is approved by America’s Food & Drug Administration. Three million people in the UK suffer from depression, and up to 5% of the population from generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), a long-term condition that can cause anxious feelings. The American maker of Alpha-Stim claims it has a cumulative positive effect and the NHS trials seem to corroborate that.
Helios3 Schumann Wave resonator is much cheaper and produces an ambient frequency of 7.83Hz so there is no need to carry a gadget – you can have the beneficial earth resonance in your home or workplace all the time.
Earthing or grounding connection – help with hype electrosensitivity
There are over 30 papers on the benefits of grounding or earthing. When we walk barefoot on the beach or grass, we’re connected to the Earth’s frequency. People who are hype electrosensitive have been reporting the beneficial effects of grounding for a long time now, confirming the latest research that grounding reduces inflammation and stress.
How our bodies respond to Schumann Resonance and planetary changes
Research suggests that our bodies respond to Schumann’s Resonance as well as planetary and solar changes. Read more about it here: Synchronization of Human Autonomic Nervous System Rhythms with Geomagnetic Activity in Human Subjects
Schumann Resonance enhances audio HiFi systems space
Audiophiles use Schumann Resonance generators to enhance their audio space to enjoy music more. Read more about Schumann Resonance generators for audiophiles
More info on the history of Schumann Resonance generators
Research and references on the Schumann Resonance and the benefits
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Better memory performance through stimulation of the hippocampus
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Normalised blood pressure
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