There are many Schumann Resonance generators on the market. Helios3 is one of the best Schumann Resonance generators. Why? It’s been perfected over the last 25 years. The latest USB version is very powerful and adaptable.
Helios3 USB Geopathic Stress (GS) and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) works on any 5V USB charging socket or can be plugged into your computer, car USB socket or power bank to give you an extra boost of Schumann resonance in your local environment at home or workplace.
Many cheap Schumann Resonance generators that can be found on the market are not strong enough to produce powerful Schumann Resonance that is effective.
There are Schumann Resonance generators designed to enhance acoustic space for HiFI systems, such as Acoustic Revive devices (RR777, RR888) developed by Ken Ishiguro (read below about it).
The latest electronics, a powerful Schumann Resonance coil and a compact design, are everything you need to generate Schumann waves or the Earth’s heartbeat vibration in any environment.
This Schumann Resonance generator produces 7.83Hz Earth frequency which was originally postulated by Winfried Otto Schumann, a German physicist. Read more about Schumann Resonance
Helios3 produces the sinusoid wave of Schumann Resonance of 7.8Hz.

Schumann Resonance Wave of Helios3
A short history of Schumann Resonance generators
Schumann resonance was named after physicist Dr. Winfried Otto Schumann, who predicted it mathematically in 1952, and then NASA detected it in 1962. In short, the Earth has a huge electromagnetic field which surrounds and protects it with a natural frequency pulsation of 7.83 Hertz on average. It’s like the heartbeat of the Earth. Interestingly, 7.83Hz is also the human brain’s alpha frequency which has relaxing and healing properties. In the past 200+ thousands of years, humans have been exposed only to the natural radiation of the Earth (Schumann Resonance), sun, thunders and some geological radiation, and our bodies have adapted well to it. But according to Olle Johansson, PhD, Associate Professor in Neuroscience at the Karolinska Institute, Sweden, in the last 10 years, the man-made radiation that penetrates your bodies has increased quintillion times more – that is 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 times more! (18 zeros) Hence, the need for Schumann Wave resonators which can boost that needed healthy frequency.
Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig, one of the first researchers on this subject, discovered that Schumann Resonance could be easily measured in nature, but it was almost impossible to detect it in the city because of all manmade signals such as radios, TVs, phones, electrical lines, etc were much stronger, overriding it. He deduced that this could have health implications. In 1974, when Ludwig’s mother was suffering from Foehn symptoms (weather effects such as low pressure and high winds), he built a small hand-held Schumann Resonance generator to imitate the Earth’s magnetic 7.83Hz fields. To his and his mother’s amazement, as soon as his mother put the device to her solar plexus or on the back of her neck, all the symptoms disappeared.
Later, an Australian electrical engineer Lewis B. Hainsworth, among others, suggested that general health can be related to geophysical factors. “In particular, the alpha brain rhythm is so placed that it can in no circumstances suffer an extensive interference from naturally occurring signals,” asserted Hainsworth.
From 1964 to 1989, Professor R. Wever from the Max Planck Institute for Behavioral Physiology in Erling-Andechs conducted 418 studies with 447 human volunteers in an underground bunker that screened all magnetic fields. The volunteers lived in this hermetically closed environment for four weeks. Professor Wever recorded that the subjects’ circadian rhythms diverged and that they suffered emotional distress and migraine headaches. Because they were young and healthy, no serious ill-health symptoms showed up, but he suggested that if they were old and not healthy a different outcome would be observed. Then with a short exposure to a frequency of 7.83Hz (which had been blocked), the volunteers’ health went to normal again. NASA’s astronauts, when out in space and far from the Schumann waves, reported similar ill-health symptoms.
Alpha brain wave pattern stimulation
Alpha brain wave pattern stimulation, as the first type of neurofeedback training, was made popular in the late 1950s and early ‘60s by Dr Joe Kamiya at the University of Chicago. In short, alpha waves are associated with being in a calm, meditative, mindful state as well as improved sleep quality, relaxation and healing. One 2005 study (Hanslmayer et al, 2005) found that increasing alpha waves improved general cognitive performance in health. Other research suggests that neurofeedback training of EEG alpha rhythm enhances episodic and working memory.
Peak performance neurofeedback, particularly with reward alpha protocols, have been used to improve the performance of athletes, musicians, and dancers. A 2007 study of golf athletes showed significant performance enhancement using personalised neurofeedback training. See: Arns, M., Kleinnijenhuis, M., Fallahpour, K., & Bretler, R. (2007). Golf performance enhancement and real-life neurofeedback training using personalised event-locked EEG profiles. Journal of Neurotherapy, 11(4), 11–18.
Studies suggest that long-term alpha feedback training may be useful in anxiety therapy, PTSD and stressful situations.
New and real evidence suggests the connection between Schumann resonance and our brains which produce the same frequency in the range of 7.83Hz when relaxed and healing. The NHS trial in Leicestershire and Rutland area, UK, tested the Alpha-Stim aid device, which is based on cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) and sends tiny electrical currents via earlobes to boost the ‘alpha waves’ in the brain, which can promote a relaxed, calm state. In this trial, 63 per cent of 161 patients in an NHS trial with a general anxiety disorder (GAD) who used a device the size of a mobile phone for six weeks had achieved remission according to the Journal of Affective Disorders with comparable effectiveness to that of CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy). Richard Morriss, a professor of psychiatry at Nottingham University’s NHR MindTech centre, said, “Alpha-Stim CESS was more effective at achieving remission than expected. As well as improvements in anxiety, there were improvements in depression and insomnia.” The device costs £600, and if rented to patients, it could save NHS about £540 per patient compared with existing treatments. The device is approved by America’s Food & Drug Administration. Three million people in the UK suffer from depression, and up to 5% of the population from generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), a long-term condition that can cause anxious feelings. The American maker of Alpha-Stim claims it has a cumulative positive effect, and the NHS trials seem to corroborate that.
Schumann Resonance Generator for enhancing audio sound (The Acoustic Revive RR-777 / RR-888 by Ken Ishiguro)
Audiophiles have been looking for other ways to enhance their audio environments to enrich and expand sound fields. Ken Ishiguro, a Japanese inventor, came up with the idea of using Schumann Resonance to enhance sound. His Acoustic Revive devices (RR7, then RR77, RR777, RR888) have been on the market for over 13 years. Ken Ishiguro is a very creative and prolific designer whose products aim to address many problems in any Hi-Fi system. Many audiophiles who purchased the Acoustic Revive device (the price starts from $685 USD, so much more than Helios3USB, which costs only £170) claim that it enhances their listening experience. It makes sense when you’re relaxed, and Schumann Resonance will indeed relax your body and brain because your brain will be in an alpha state – this will help you appreciate music more. Theoretically, it could, in principle, condition and entrain space for better sound fields. More about The Acoustic Revive RR-777 / RR-888 by Ken Ishiguro
There data/studies demonstrating physiological changes in the body while using a Schumann Resonance generator